Hippotherapy is an effective therapeutic exercise, in which the main means is communication with horses and riding. It is used in disorders of the musculoskeletal system, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injury, polio, gastrointestinal diseases, prostatitis, scoliosis, mental retardation. Communicating with horses provides a lasting positive emotional background, which in itself is healing.
Hippotherapy is intended for children with mental and / or physical disabilities. It consists in the performance of various exercises by the child depending on his personal characteristics and the degree of his disability. Animals have a calming effect on patients.
World experience clearly proves that this type of therapy improves the physical and mental condition of children with physical disabilities. The first reaction of the children, after feeling the horse and the first movements, is invariably a smile, because the movement and movement in this way is a completely new feeling.
Riding is also an effective alternative method for the treatment of children with severe physical disabilities. Modern medicine is still powerless in the face of Down syndrome or cerebral palsy. Children suffering from such disabilities usually lead a closed life, regularly visiting sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers. And therapeutic riding improves their quality of life by taking them out into the open, moving them and creating interaction between the child and the horse, which improves his emotional and physical condition and has a strong positive psychological effect.
The beneficial effects of horse riding:
- controls muscle tension;
- strengthens relaxed muscles;
- relaxes tight and stiff muscles;
- improves body control and posture;
- improves gait, behavior and balance;
The overall effect of horse riding is universal, as it improves both body and spirit, psyche.
Many patients, parents and doctors turn to hippotherapy as part of a rehabilitation program. Therapists who practice hippotherapy are increasingly in demand. More and more of them are educated about hippotherapy and include it in their practice.
Hippotherapy is a treatment with the help of a horse. It comes from the Greek word "hypos", which means "horse". The official definition of hippotherapy is "a term that refers to the use of horse movement to influence patients with nervous and musculoskeletal disorders."
Often the main focus of physiotherapy is the posture and motor reactions of the patient. The positive effects of horse movement can be seen in motor coordination, muscle tone, uprightness, flexibility and strength. Changes are often seen in breathing, cognitive functions, sensations, balance, emotions and speech. These changes may be due to improvements in posture and motor coordination. They are often a direct result of the horse's movement. The focus of therapy may not include changes in speech, but they do occur. So the movement of the horse as a treatment strategy has results in different departments of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.
Hippotherapy is part of a large treatment program. It can be applied as a preparatory phase, using the horse's movement to improve muscle tone and posture of a hypotonic patient before the actual therapy. It can be used to move the spine and pelvis, for better orientation, better balance and improved reflexes. Horse movement can be used as an additional procedure after physiotherapy, etc. The possibilities for the application of therapeutic riding are endless, as the effect of the horse's movements is very large.